What is going weedcash, it has been quite a while since I posted about any cannabis. I really should be posting more reviews again as I don't really grow ATM besides my outdoor plants.
this post is going to be about the outdoor flower I got going. It is a great time to start posting about it as they are really going into flower, well actually they are in full flower with the one indica I believe to be stank house really showing it's hairs.
With these outdoor plants I don't normally train them as they don't really need it, my yard gets plenty of sun and they always seem to be bushes. If you followed last year you will remember my plants actually got more tall than wide.

This year they where not as tall, I am glad as you could see them from the road and we all know that is never good, even legally they still get stolen ffs. This year I will be camping outside for the first 2 weeks of October, I fucking hate these thieves and they keep coming back year after year so me and my mastiff will be camping out waiting for them.
With my soil I am fully organic with no added crap, I normally work my soil in the fall and spring with compost, burnt wood, and amendments like rock dust and kelp.
Through the summer and into flower I like to keep adding banana peels, strawberries, water melon right to the soil, this will help feed the worms and isopods. Also adding much wanted micro and macro nutrients.

I having mostly been showing the stank house in this post, but I do have 3 other plants, 1 is a white widow, it is not the best looking plant but it is in a flower bed that hasn't had as much done to the soil. You can really tell how well the cover crop and adding things to the soil does.
The other is a seraquill, like not spelt right but it is a longer flowering plant.
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Damn bro that's amazing!! Hopefully those thrives don't come close this year. Camping out is a good bet
Posted using WeedCash Network
Looks really healthly and those buds gonna be awesomes in a few weeks :D
I hope your mastiff catches the thieves..
Huge! Give her lot of
He was kind of a big dill.
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