Hola cannabicultores de Hive!
Vengo a hacer una actualizacion del seguimiento de esta temporada de verano que ya se va terminando en el hemisferio sur.
Tengo dos novedades importantes en mi cultivo.
La primera es que finalmente tuve que colocar unos tejidos media sombra para frenar la luz de la luminaria publica. Esto es algo que seguramente tenia que tener resuelto desde hace bastante, porque es un factor que ya habia observado antes de comenzar el cultivo. Sin embargo lo fui posponiendo un poco a base de pereza y otro poco por observar que las plantas comenzaron a florar en tiempo y forma. Entonces me quede con la sensacion de que la luz de la calle no estaba interfiriendo lo suficiente con las horas de oscuridad. Pero luego la planta que arranco a florar primero, se estanco en el engorde. Tuve que resolver el asunto y asi quedo entonces la terraza.
Hello Hive growers!
I come to make an update of the progress of this summer season that is coming to an end in the southern hemisphere.
I have two important news in my crop.
The first one is that I finally had to put some shade cloth to stop the light from the public lighting. This is something that I surely had to have solved a long time ago, because it is a factor that I had already observed before starting the cultivation. However, I was postponing it a little bit because of laziness and a little bit because I noticed that the plants started to flower in time and form. Then I was left with the feeling that the light from the street was not interfering enough with the hours of darkness. But then the plant that started flowering first, stagnated in the fattening. I had to resolve the issue and this is what the terrace looked like.
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El sol de la tarde se corta unas dos hs aprox en las plantas que estan mas cerca del tejido pero lo que gano en oscuridad deberia hacer que engorden. Si esto no resulta, voy a tener que cerrar el perimetro en forma de invernadero para poder taparlas de la luz por las noches.
Esta es una solucion que me agrada porque tambien asi puedo tener un espacio con un poco mas de privacidad en la terraza. Ya sea para trabajar con las plantas, o para pasar el rato tomando mate. Y recalco esto de la privacidad porque como se ve, es una casa de barrio, y todas las casas circundantes tienen terraza tambien.
The afternoon sun is cut off for about two hours on the plants that are closest to the tissue but what I gain in darkness should make them fatten up. If this does not work, I will have to close the perimeter in the form of a greenhouse to be able to block them from the light at night.
This is a solution that I like because I can also have a space with a little more privacy on the terrace. Either to work with the plants, or to spend time drinking mate. And I emphasize this privacy because as you can see, it is a neighborhood house, and all the surrounding houses have terraces too.
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La floracion sigue de esta manera...
The flowering continues in this way
Como se puede ver hay mucha hojita pequeña entre los cogollos y eso es creo otro signo de la contaminacion luminica. Ademas de que tampoco estan engordando como quisiera o deberian, pero eso tambien puede deberse a mas de una causa.
De todas maneras, a pesar de que mi objetivo es cosechar flores de calidad, el primer objetivo es simplemente cosechar...lo que pueda. Mejorar con la experiencia y seguir el ciclo...y para esto voy a necesitar semillas.
Y aca es donde empieza la segunda noticia.
As you can see there are a lot of small leaves between the buds and I think that is another sign of light pollution. Also they are not getting as fat as I would like or as they should, but that can also be due to more than one cause.
Anyway, even though my goal is to harvest quality flowers, the first goal is just to harvest...what I can. Improve with experience and continue the cycle...and for this I will need seeds.
And this is where the second piece of news begins.
Salio un macho.
A male came out
Le hice una poda de raices, lo cambie de maceta y lo mande abajo de un tubo junto con 4 esquejes ya enraizados.
I pruned its roots, changed its pot and sent it down a tube along with 4 cuttings already rooted.
La idea es agregar una lampara mas, y tenerlos por lo menos 2 meses. Luego mandarlos a florar a la terraza y que el macho polinice esos 3 esquejes. Con esas semillas voy a arrancar la siguiente temporada de verano.
Muchos seguramente diran que es mejor comprar semillas de geneticas estables, pero la realidad es que ademas de que me gustan los experimentos, tambien es una cuestion economica.
Seguramente voy a comprar algunas semillas en breve, pero tambien necesito mas volumen de plantas para el cultivo que quiero hacer en la terraza en los proximos meses. Y comprar 50 o mas semillas esta muy por fuera de mi presupuesto.
Tambien lo esta por ahora instalar un indoor como quisiera, pero paso a paso.
The idea is to add one more lamp, and keep them for at least 2 months. Then send them to flower on the terrace and have the male pollinate those cuttings. With those seeds I will start the next summer season.
Many will surely say that it is better to buy seeds of stable genetics, but the reality is that besides the fact that I like experiments, it is also a question of economy.
Surely I will buy some seeds soon, but I also need more volume of plants for the cultivation I want to do on the terrace in the coming months. And buying 50 or more seeds is way out of my budget.
So is for now to install an indoor as I would like, but step by step.
Bueno, me despido con estas dos fotos de la unica planta que esta vegetando...Esta es de unas semillas que me paso un amigo, asi que es todo un misterio. Por ahora viene excelente.
En una semana ya la tendria que transplantar porque seguramente empiece a florar rapido.
Estas fueron las novedades del jardin.
Gracias por pasarse!
Well, I say goodbye with these two photos of the only plant that is vegetating...This one is from some seeds that a friend gave me, so it's a mystery. For now it is doing excellent.
In a week I will have to transplant it because it will surely start flowering fast.
These were the news from the garden.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Hola! Muchas gracias por el comentario.
El tema de la contaminacion luminica si haces exterior es crucial.
Saludos Bo!
Cool update! Go check out my last post to check out the contest we are doing. I think you can late the deadline.
Also I don’t see any signs of reveggin. But if there is a light nearby, smart thinking with the greenhouse. Hopefully that make hurry’s and flowers, your females are so ready for some pollen action ;)
I'm going to check that contest right now.
I'm sure I can enter with the new germination.
Regarding the light, I think I've gained a lot more darkness.
These babes will hopefully be harvested seedless but your cuttings will see some pollen action.
Thanks for the comment!
Pues menos mal que te diste cuenta de la luz, espero que lo hayas solucionado con la tela. Te has armado un buen rincón en la terraza y las niñas tienen buen aspecto.
Che muchas gracias por la buena onda.
Creo que gane bastante mas oscuridad con las telas pero podria mejorar un poco.
El rincon se va poniendo cada dia mas lindo 😁
Gracias por pasarte! Saludos
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.Nice place you have there :)
Thank you very much for your comment.
I hope it's getting nicer and nicer
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Hey @themusiquero, here is a little bit of from @trayan for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.tus plantas se ven muy saludables y pronto podras cosechar unos buenos cogollos :D
Gracias por pasarte che.
Si ya estan en la recta final...me pone contento estar cerca de la cosecha.