Best soil to grow in

So I am not an expert at growing but I have made enough pretty major mistakes now that I have learned a few things not to do. I am very blessed to have cattle of my own and access to manure every spring. If anyone on here has ever used manure as a fertilizer for you plants you'll know what I'm talking about. It is like sugar for your plants. Although i grow quick season autoflowers I can literally see the difference in my plants from when I water in the morning and when I check them at night. Another thing i started doing throughout the season is giving them fertilizer plugs. what I do for this is I take mixture of composted chicken manure ,composed cow manure and old composed grain and wrap the bottom of the stem with it to help it get the extra nutrients it needs. At this point I'm usually a little behind and I have done it because I have noticed a deffiency in the plant from yellowing of leaves. But all in all the best way to get a very loamy high nitrogen is using manure. The weeds are a real pain in the ass though.

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That’s great you have access to this, especially since you will be growing on such a large scale! Hey don’t know much about cow shit, but from my understanding it’s best to let it sit for a month since it’s to hot (loaded with nutes) when fresh?

yeah for sure it will be way to hot I usually use stuff that's down a foot in our bull pen so its had a bit of time to break down.

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