So as my plants are drying and curing I am about to enter the next phase of trimming. I've been coming up with all sorts of DIY ideas but this one seemed to be the best option. I took a food grade 55 gallon drum and used some farm page wire I had laying around. I didn't get fancy because I wanted to make sure it worked before I got to crazy with the idea. So for now i just have it set up between two ladders at the same height and spin it by hand. It being such a large barrel it doesn't need much speed to be aggressive enough to trim. Two issues is that I need a trim tray underneath of some sort and i might need some smaller wire inside cause all the small buds fall through. When using large dry buds with leaves attached it seemed to work quiet well. If i can make a system that works good and doesn't waste a bunch I am going to build legs with pillow bearings and use an electric motor with a belt that goes over the barrel to spin it. I am still not totally sold on this method as i find a hand trim to be way better quality.
Not a bad idea at all! Your almost there, maybe add two layers of that wire cage? And yeah hand trimming is the best, but living your life is also good, lol