Is Weed Legal In Virginia?

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Recently Virginia has joined a number of states making medicinal weed legal, but only just. Recreational weed is still very much illegal, likely due to the fact that Virginia is a fairly conservative state once you venture beyond greater DC or the larger urban areas. However, despite the disapproval of the government, the residents of Virginia have made it known that they do not feel the same way.

When last asked, 62% of residents supported the legalization of weed and 86% supported the legalization of medical weed. As with many states however, the understanding of the electorate far surpasses that of the elected. But that’s really none of my business.

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Possession and Sale
The possession of marijuana is still very much illegal, and could result in up to 30 days of jail time or a hefty $500 fine for a first offence. If you are caught with weed after that, the fine can go up to $2,500 and significant jail time. Very much a one chance only situation.

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