Afri-tunes Entry For Week 148

in AFRI-TUNES2 months ago

Greetings everyone, welcome to Afri-tunes week 148 contest. For this week I will be performing a cover of ''You are Great" .

The song "You are Great" was released by a Nigerian gospel minister ,Steve Crown. The song emphasizes on God's greatness and love for mankind.It has a very unique traditional beat.

The song is also a well known praise and worship song played and sang in gatherings and churches Nationwide .
I hope you enjoy the song❤.️

You are great yes you are holy one
Walked upon the sea rise the dead
Reign in majesty mighty God
Everything written about you is great
You are great yes you are holy one
Walked upon the sea rise the dead
You reign in majesty mighty God
Everything written about you is great
You are great you are great
You are great you are great
You are great you are great oh yeah
You are great say you are great
You are great say you are great
You are great everything
Everything written about you is great
You are great you are great
You are great you are great oh you are great you are
You are great oh yea yea yeah
You are great say you are great you are
You are great we worship you today
You are great everything
Everything written about you is great
Worship you today
Give you all the praise e yeah ha ha ha
Mighty mighty God hmmmm
Worship you today hmmmm
Give you all the praise hmmmm
As we lift our hands to you hmmmm
With pleasure in our heart hmmmm
We raise our voice to say hmmmm
Everything written about you is great
Isi ike'ndu hmmmm
Worship you today hmmmm
Give you all the praise hmmmm
As we lift our hands to you hmmmm
With pleasure in our heart hmmmm
We raise our voice to say hmmmm
Everything written about you is great
Demons trembles at your presence what a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve eh eh eh eh glory glory hallelujah
Glory glory hallelujah everything yeah
Everything written about you is great wooh oh oh igwe.

(Lyrics source)