Music In Christmas Celebrations: Afri-inleo Initiative 29

in AFRI-TUNES3 months ago

There are music for different occasions. Sad songs during funerals, merry songs during celebrations, and songs sang in time of wars. However, I wouldn't discuss music of funeral and wars, but songs for the purpose of celebrations and festivals. Thanks to TV programs in my early days who aired Christmas songs through the weeks as the month of December set in. Hearing those songs was an indication that Christmas was at hand. Eagerly we anticiapted its arrival and join in the spirit of the celebration with songs.

Christmas is a Christian celebration in memorial of the birth of Jesus Christ. It's often celebrated on December 25 every year with events which involved singing, dancing, feasting, cinemas, and festivals. But one popular event for Christmas was her unique songs which has the memories of Christmas with it and aimed at promoting the entire essence of Christmas. Every child who attended sunday school was taught on how to sing the songs known as Christmas songs. They were called Christmas songs for a purpose, they were most sang in December and during the Christmas events, and the songs were reminders of Christmas.

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Christmas songs are seasonal musics, with blends of merry and joy for the season. The season which is believed to be the promise of hope for every believer. They're often sang in group, there is where comes the beauty of the season and the reason behind Christmas which speaks on love and peace. Christmas songs are often wishes of good health, love, and joy for all who joins in celebrating the beauty of the season. Christmas songs, just like every other songs are designed for Christmas, and are hoped to meet everyone with good tidings. Christmas songs in a more detailed way are Christ -mas(Celebration) songs. They're song intending to glory the child Jesus who was born.

The songs are soft, well meaning, filled with energy, and joy. I was privileged to attend a Sunday school when I was younger. Most Christmas, we presented Christmas songs and mimic certain songs in dancing. But certain things differentiated Christmas songs from the others. Songs for other events come and go, they grow old and new ones set in, but songs for Christmas never faded, the songs we sang twelve years ago is still sang today in congregations and they still bring the same joy and spirit of Christmas they did some years ago.

Christmas songs are best sang in groups, the joy comes in that unity of spirit. Music in Christmas set the spirit of the season in the heart of the people and make the people anticipate the upcoming events. In the celebration of Christmas , the songs are the beauty of the events. The songs never get old, and it's remains in the heart of every believer from the young to the old. Christmas is a very special event in the life of every believer, the songs a reminder of the baby boy born on this day, and the joy that was brought into the world in reason of his birth.

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Christmas songs are one of a kind. Sometimes I wish I can go back to my childhood just to get enjoy them as I used to back then.

Merry Christmas in advance sir

Lol, why can't you enjoy the same now?

Maybe adulthood has taken the place of that enjoyment 🤣

True, but you can also choose to leave the responsibilities and enjoy 😆

Who should I leave them for?

Christmas songs beautifully capture the essence of the season, reminding us of its true meaning. From Sunday school to festive events, they bring joy, nostalgia, and the spirit of celebration each December.

That's true. The songs are reminder of the glorious past