The world without music||It is void

in AFRI-TUNES3 months ago

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Let's take our time to imagine the world without sunlight, although we all know that the world was without form and void, and God created everything we came to see in it, with his spoken words, so in essence, the sunlight wouldn't have been in existence if God had not created it but notwithstanding, just maybe we may still have the Solar, but let's not also forget that the solar also was created to work with the help of the sunlight.

So, just Imagine God had not created the sunlight, and everywhere was just empty, and void, and then it happened that the first man and woman who God created (Adam and Eve) went against God and God decided to send us parking out of the Garden he had created from inception for us, and then, we move away from the initial habitation into another, our habitation and find out that everywhere except the first place was dark. Lol

Then, we all were born into the world with no sunlight, now if you are imagining vividly the way I am describing the world or the earth, you would know that the world would have been a catastrophe for all of us, I mean, take a look at my country Nigeria, most states have not used the PHCN for years and those people can one day wake up and tell us, "There will be a blackout in the whole of Nigeria or a particular state for several days or weeks" and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it other than to adjust to the development.

Now, a world without sunlight would have been a total blackout, I mean deep darkness. We can all see what imagining a world without rays of sunlight would have looked like right, oh yes! So we can say that we are indeed blessed. Let's go on then, to imagine a world without music, it would have been a disastrous, colourless, and boring world we would be living in. Imagining a world without music is like imagining a world without sunlight or imagining humans without air to breathe.

Imagine watching a movie without the sound or music to accompany it, I mean, most times we talk about suspensions, it just doesn't happen when we can not anticipate the next actions of the cast (protagonist/antagonist) in the movies, it also happens when a particular song plays making Is anticipate the next line of actions or next scene in the movie.

Where would the fun be in watching a movie without a background song or music to listen to and get to understand what is going to happen or what we should be expecting next, imagine watching a movie and not having the knowledge that the next scene could lead to more danger, a bad end, a beautiful end, or a peaceful end?

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I for one got most music in my playlist as a result kg the movie I watched. I have severally, watched a particular movie, loved the background music in the movie, crammed a few lyrics, and went in search of it, so I could download them into my playlist.

There are days I wake up with a particular song in my mind, and I could go throughout that day either singing that music out loud to the hearing of others, listening to it play on my playlist with my headphones while it is on repeat, or just continue humming to it in my mind and that alone keeps one going. Imagine, that doesn't get to happen anymore because the world is without music.

Music adds colour to the world, music makes everything fun, and not boring, music has a way of translating and expressing what we are feeling, and most times just can't say it or don't know how to say it for fear of being judged or bullied. Music is life, as life is music, and as the sunlight is important to the world, so is music important to the world.

We can not have the whole time in the world to sit and watch movies, because we all are running around trying to survive, as the world is a survival of the fittest, so you would likely hear people say "I don't like the movie", " I don't like to watch the movie", "I can never sit down to watch a movie, because that is a waste of my time", "movie is my sleeping antidote" and all of that what not, but you can never hear anyone say I hate music or I hate listening to music.

Music is an antidote, it is the energy, the medication we need to keep running twenty-four hours round the clock, no wonder it has been incorporated by many into their daily routine, I mean, if you watch those at the gym, they have music at their background to help keep them going or they go in with their ear pods, or earpiece in their ear to listen to music while they enjoy the energy, the excitement, and adrenaline that comes with listening to music and fuming.

That is why today we have so many new inventions of ear pods that could fit into our routine, and make us feel comfortable and relaxed as we enjoy our music, while we go around our daily business. Most times business gurus use that to calm their minds down.

Let's imagine this scenario, I wake up, only to begin my day with a horror, worrisome, or some painful movie scene, you know that could get stuck in your subconscious for the longest time and may likely torment one if the viewer's emotions weren't or aren't in check. Now, let's do the imagination again but this time, start our day with beautiful calm melodious music, that could be the highlight of your day because it could leave you expressing beautiful emotions and light-hearted as well.

Music is everything the world needs to stay sane amid insanity. Music is the thin line between boredom and fun, music is the bright and happy colour amid deem and boring colours, and music is the air that prevents humans from suffocating even in the polluted and gas-filled world.

Take music away and the world is empty and void, imagine the world without music and you are imagining humans without sunlight, yes, we may survive but the world would not be the same and can not be the same, so let's not imagine the world without music because it is void.

link to participate.This is my entry to Day 18 #Novemberinleo prompt, here is the

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I totally agree with you on this. A world without music will be boring and void.

Thank you, I am glad you do.

You're welcome