Afri-Tunes Week 156 || More Than A Song(cover) By @g2comfort

in AFRI-TUNES2 days ago

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Hello everyone, I trust you are all doing great. Welcome to Afri-Tunes week 156 and this week I would like to share with you all a powerful worship song titled More Than A Song by Dunsin oyekan. The song is mainly about having true worship and surrounding yourself to God.

Talking about the lyrics of this song More Than A Song by Dunsin oyekan, it's a simple but yet a powerful words, that reminds us that worship is more than singing or offering a song to God but worship is about offering your heart, life and yourself to God. I'm not going to lie to you, I always thought worship was just the singing song and dancing. But listening to This song made me realize that worship is about living a life that honors God and surrounding yourself to God.


Lyrics from azlyrics

I have more than a song
I brought myself
I am the sacrifice
I have more than a song
I brought myself
I am your worship
I have more than a song
I brought myself
I am the sacrifice
I have more than a song
I brought myself
I am your worship

Receive this living sacrifice
I am your worship
Accept this living sacrifice
I am your worship

Thank you for your time on my blog.

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Worship is more than A song. g2comfort you made a wonderful cover of this song keep it up

Thank you sir, God bless

Good and great presentation, l really enjoy this particular rendition of your 👍👍

Thank you

My comfort you have come again with this your sweet voice I love your entry and your choice of songs

Thank you sir for the encouragement

Your voice possess how passionate you are on the song you did a nice cover keep it up ma'am

Thank you sir

I brought myself as a living sacrifice to you Jesus wow what a great song sis 👍 incredible ♥️