Afritunes Musical Contest week 116, Cover of Komasi by Lara George.

in AFRI-TUNES9 months ago

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Hi Afritunes, I'm Harvodey, it's my first time in this community. I'll be singing a Nigerian gospel song by Lara George titled, KOMASI.

KOMASI is the Nigerian Yoruba language which means There is None.


This song says that there is none like you my Lord, my inspiration for this song is that I believe God is the only present help in the midst of trouble.

Personally, songs are a great inspiration to me, I no that no one can stand up for me or fight for me like my God, when I'm down God is always there to comfort me, when I'm scared and confused about the situation of things I can easily sing this song reminding me that He is my Shield and comforter.

The song says Iberu Ko Si this gives me confidence in the midst of fear, reminding me that there is no fear because God is my King always, and I don't have any reason to fear what man can do, this reminds me of the time the children of Israel were at a fix, in front of the red sea and they saw the Egyptians behind them and they were scared of what to do next, but Moses had confidence in God and his trust in God helped him to believe they would scale through, so He was able to confide in God and Gid gave him solutions, that is to stretch forth his rod and the red sea parted.

After the red sea parted they got their victory and were able to move to the promised Land. The Egyptians were still adamant and continued chasing after them but they all perished in the red sea.

Here is the lyrics below;

Ko ma si, ko ma si o (There is none, There’s none oh)
Ko ma si eni ti o dabi re Oba mi o (There’s no one like you my Lord)
Iberu ko si, ko si fun mi o (I have no fear, I have no fear in me)
Nitori iwo nikan soso l’oba mi, l’ojo gbogbo (For you alone are forever my Lord)

There’s nobody like you Lord
There’s nobody like our God
There’s nobody like You Lord
Like You Lord, like our God

Click here to see the full lyrics

KOMASI is a very lovely song and the musician Lara George has a very beautiful voice, God bless you as you enjoy.

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Lara George is a favourite artist, surprised I don't know this song but I like your voice singing it.

You don't seem composed though, trying to break "camera shy" disease? 😅

You still did well, more of this and you'll do great.

😂, I love your feedback, I'm trying to improve on the camera shy thing, thanks for listening.

Welcome to the community, it's good to have you here, we will be looking forward to seeing you often.

Nice presentation, you have a good voice, keep up the good work.

Thank you so much @sholex94

Your entry was super amazing, hoping to see more of you in the community..
Thank You For Sharing This With UsYou are welcome to Afri-tunes community @harvodey

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Thanks so much for listening

My love for yoruba song is unbelievable and you dropping this piece, I need to go and listen to it.

Your voice is amazing as well ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Awwwnnn🥰, I'm blushing, thanks so much for listening. And your response.