I really love kaestrings songs.
He is a mentor to me and many out there and his songs has blessed my life so much especially this song "love", it's teaches me how God love us , even though we are not worthy of his love but he shower us blessing from above some of this blessings are, shelter, good health, strength etc.
kaestrings song inspired me so much and the way he do pitch his song I like it and I want to learn it also , and his songs are spiritual the have a way of connecting one in the
spirit easily and uplifting your spirit, his Songs also encourages me alot.
His real name kingsley innocent ,he is a lover of music and also jesus he play guitar (acustics) , he stated since when he was young, kaestrings is a blessing to me and my music Carrier.Hello, this is Afri-tune week 155, my name is Jonathan irimiya I'm with the user name @jona1, I will be covering a song title "Love" by kaestring,
I'm not worthy of your love
You showered me with blessings from above
Nothing I will do will ever make me worthy of you
But you love me anyway
When I tried to leave you said my child stay
What did I do to deserve your love?
What did I do?
Me na yi da ka so ni haka
Me na yi da ka so ni haka
Me na yi da ka so ni haka
Abin da ya fi godiya shi ne zan ba ka
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▶️ 3Speak
There's nothing I will do that can make me worthy of Him but He first love us and gave His life for us. An amazing song of Thanksgiving to our God.
I love how you strum the guitar sir.
Thank you sir
We are never worthy of his love but yet he gave us, thank you for this and kudos for the good job 🫡.
Thank you my boss
He loved us even when we don't deserve it. He's such a merciful God
Thank you very much bro
Am not worthy of God love but he still loves me what a wonderful God we serve powerful song brother 👍♥️👋👋👋👋👋👋
I'm grateful
We are not worthy of his love but he stills gives it to us
Nice entry bro
Thank you very much I'm grateful bro
You're welcome
Very good presentation bro, l really enjoy it
My brother I appreciate