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RE: Behind the Scenes of the KWENZAKALANI music video

in AFRI-TUNES3 years ago

Hello @therealdanshaw

This is a lovely video of the BEHIND THE SCENES of the making of your new song and it is also worth sharing on Hive. However, it doesn't qualify to be as an entry on Afri-tunes Community, following the rules and guidelines of the community.

Your entry on Afri-tunes Week 11 which you shared your new single SIYAJIVA, was accepted as an entry. We would have loved and preferred that you share the video of the main song video (not the making) just like what you did when you shared SIYAJIVA following the rules of:

  • Using appropriate tags, and
  • Afri-tunes Title before the title of the piece.

I hope you understand this for subsequent posts as this post may likely be muted on Afri-tunes Community.

Best Regards!


Thank you and apologies. This was an unintentional error. Will post the video as soon as it it released.