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RE: AFRI-TUNES #31 | Smile for Me by Simi - Guitar Cover

in AFRI-TUNES β€’ 2 years ago

immediately develops romantic love and special affection for Electricity, and goes off with it (So technology also fall in love?)

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hahah, well so funny your explanation, but I am so sorry to hear that nothing was saved πŸ˜“

I guess it was very frustrating, to get again all the layers done, but hey, here you are, with a so nice video! Well done @ksam

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Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I am so sorry to hear that nothing was saved

It happened so fast!
After I completed recording all layers, I played back the audio from the Fl studio software on my laptop. I was still listening to it and enjoying myself, before the unexpected happened.

It didn't cross my mind to save the file at that moment because my battery was at 90%, so even if electricity goes off the remaining battery should enable me complete the audio recording and start the video recording process also.

Heartbreak upon heartbreak πŸ’”

It was really frustrating, and it sapped all my genuine and authentic smile going in line with the Title, SMILE FOR ME... I just had to borrow some smiles to complement my frustrated face.

Thank you for your wonderful comment on my piece, I'm happy you enjoyed it

I know, it can be frustrating. Happened to me that recorded a piece and then deleted it (not laptop error - my error πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

But these things can happen, and despite all the struggle, the smile should remain πŸ˜‰