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RE: Afritune week 85💝 Ebezina by Preye///cover by imasolo ❤️

in AFRI-TUNESlast year

You've got a nice singing voice actually but you need to put more effort to your entry. Your video is barely two minutes and your write ups (word counts) is extremely poor, I noticed you're spamming comments also of which it's not supported in the community and hive as s whole..Let me explain what I mean to you: The "Nice presentation" comments you do leave isn't good enough infact it turns out bad writing the same to more than 3 to 4 posts, you can try to watch their videos then talk about something you noticed in the video or maybe what interest you about their write ups, these are all criteria for quality engagement please.. try to extend your video duration and if singing with an instrumentals (sound track) will give you so much headaches you can sing an Acapella and that is fine by the community because I noticed you missed the tempo(beat) throughout your presentation..
This correction is with Love from us and I hope you find it important and suiting..
Thank you for sharing this with us..Dear @imasolo


Thanks sir, for correcting with love 😘 I have taken note of everything you've said