Nice song and simply creative mode tk song with your calm voice there bro @toubie
Gone are those days where parents marry for their children
Now a days, men and women go into relationship and try to build it sampling how it will look finally @ marriage.
Sad enough, one party may feel so important and more beautiful or handsome than the other and feel he/she doesn't deserve his/her lifetime together.
Everything on this planet earth is risk. Whether you're in a relationship for one day or 10 years, what will happen in marriage will still happen. However, I can't imagine throwing a proposal to a girl I love and she turns it down... Chei mokpe o🙆🙆🙆
In all, anyways, check properly well.... knowing and read her moves and body languages with you tk be convinced first b4 introducing something else. Get her into conversation and sometimes bring up marriage topics and see her reactions to avoid stories that maybe touching.
after all I've done for you
Why did you do this?
And so on...
#Bravo bro🤝🤝🤝✌ for leaving this here
Thank you so much sir.
I had a really great laugh reading through your comment.
God bless you.