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RE: Working breakfast

in WorkLifelast year

It's a very good idea to divide the day into time slots, I hadn't thought of that. I think I'm going to implement it somehow.

My working day starts before breakfast, I usually need silence to work, so I organise everything before breakfast.

The tasks that take more concentration on my part I do them first and those that require priority as well.

I reserve the tasks that require more concentration for the times when I have more time to be quiet and that way I am more productive.

The difficult tasks first, I feel more relieved later if I do it that way.

Hugs Galen.


Give it a try and see how it goes. The worst that could happen is it doesn't work for you, and the best is that it does.

I figured you'd be one to tackle the big rocks first, I'm not surprised to hear that. Good work.

I will do it, I found the idea very interesting to make my day more productive.

I'm working on it... writing! Good night to you.