Yeah I’ve been noticing the different types of clients now that I’m on the other side of that customer relationship and it’s tricky sometimes! Some customers want to drive everything while others want you to do all the work and it’s finding out what type they are in the early hours of interaction that can help drive things forward.
I as well would like to prefer to deliver something solid for them instead of suboptimal and precisely on time. Management doesn’t always see it that way which is tough, but some of them haven’t been on the customer side of the equation so that’s certainly an element.
It's always a good idea to get to know people because their personality is going to come through in their expectations as well, especially in a work scenario where you are providing a service or product.
Management can be full of funk like that, my previous manager was an absolute nightmare with unrealistic expectations, but it was all about driving her own personal agenda, had nothing to do with customers. Luckily I am now in a much better suited position with better people. I know what you mean, if they get out of touch with the customer satisfaction side of things, then it tends to go pear shaped at times, but sounds like you are in good hands. I haven't read you complaining about them, so it can't be bad.