Hello hivers of this distinguished community, I'm posting here for the first time. I bring you a project that, although small, turned out to be quite a challenge for me.
Several days ago I was commissioned to produce and assemble a commercial stand for the 39th edition of the Havana International Fair 2023. It would cover an area of 45m2, located inside a large pavilion next to other exhibitors.
The client emphasized that it should be made of wood, or plywood, modular and with a simple assembly for easy assembly and disassembly. It is an open structure in which 4 large TVs are hung. The panels should not move and could not be attached to any wall. The goal is that it can be stored and reused at another event.
I had never done a job like this before. I am a graphic designer. I am used to design spaces, graphics in general and also to execute assemblies, but on an already formed structure. Together with my team, we worked a lot on vinyl printed on PVC, acrylics, canvas, but almost nothing on wood. We were approached about the job and we said yes without thinking too much about it. That's when the adventure began.
With the help of a good friend who has a well equipped carpentry workshop we got down to work.
We started the construction of the modules. The boards are mostly made of 1.22 x 2.44 m, I decided to leave them at 1m wide and take advantage of the cut for the sides that would be used for assembly.
I got very involved in the production of the pieces, as an apprentice carpenter. Always learning at every step, asking for advice and opinions from very experienced carpenters.
Cut and cut playwood, cut rakes for the sides, lots of glue and screws. Then sanding, putty, sanding again and base paint. We applied as a finish acrylic enamel paint of very good quality and very durable, with a light satin finish, which can be cleaned with damp cloths without problems. This process took us about 10 days, which for not having experience in the matter I think was optimal use of time.
At the end we made all the pieces, did a small assembly test and packed... on our way to Expocuba, the place where the event was held.
Once at the fairgrounds we began to collate and assemble all the modules, both standard and atypical. Although I always had the uncertainty of having done something wrong, it turns out that everything went smoothly, very fast and efficient.
All the pieces fit together very well. It turned out exactly as the client requested, in fact he loved it and congratulated us sincerely.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
Hola hivers de esta distinguida comunidad, estoy publicando acá por primera vez. Les traigo un proyecto que, aunque pequeño, resultó todo un desafío para mí.
Hace varios días me encargaron la producción y montaje de un Stand comercial para la 39 edición de la Feria Internacional de La Habana 2023. Abarcaría un área de 45m2, ubicado en el interior de un pabellón de gran tamaño junto a otros expositores.
El cliente enfatizó que debía ser de madera, o tableros de contrachapado, modular y con un ensamblaje simple para armar y desarmar fácilmente. Es una estructura abierta en la que van colgados 4 televisores grandes. Los paneles no debian moverse y no podían sujetarse a pared alguna. El objetivo es que se pueda almacenar y volver a usar en otro eventos.
Nunca había hecho un trabajo así. Soy diseñador gráfico. Estoy acostumbrado a diseñar espacios, gráfica en general y también ejecutar montajes, pero sobre una estructura ya conformada. Junto a mi equipo trabajamos mucho en vinilo impreso sobre PVC, acrílicos, lonas, pero madera casi nada. Se nos planteó el trabajo y dijimos que si sin pensarlo mucho. Ahí comenzó la aventura.
Con la ayuda de un buen amigo que tiene un taller de carpintería bien equipado nos pusimos manos a la obra. Comenzamos la construcción de los módulos. Los tableros se fabrican, en su mayoría, de 1.22 x 2.44 m, decidí dejarlos en 1m de ancho y aprovechar el recorte para los laterales que me servirían para ensamble.
Me involucre mucho en la producción de las piezas, como aprendiz de carpintero. Siempre aprendiendo en cada paso, pidiendo consejos y opiniones a carpinteros de mucha experiencia.
Corta y troza playwood, recorta rastriles para los laterales, mucha cola y tornillos. Luego lija, resanado con masilla, lija otra vez y base de pintura. Aplicamos como terminación pintura esmalte acrílico de muy buena calidad y muy duradera, con un acabado satinado leve, que se puede limpiar con paños húmedos sin problemas. Este proceso nos tomo alrededor de 10 días, que para no tener experiencia en el asunto creo fue óptimo el aprovechamiento del tiempo.
Al final elaboramos todas las piezas, hicimos una pequeña prueba de ensamblaje y embalamos... rumbo a Expocuba, lugar donde se realiza el evento.
Una vez en el recinto ferial comenzamos a cotejar y armar todos los módulos, los estándares y los atípicos. Aunque siempre tenía la incertidumbre de haber hecho algo errado, resulta que todo salió a pedir de boca, muy rápido y eficiente. Todas las piezas encajaron muy bien. Quedó exactamente como lo pidió el cliente, de hecho le encantó y nos felicitó sinceramente.
Espero me compartan su opinión. Gracias.
Text and photographs are my own. Text translated by DeppL.
Hey how big these stands are! But it turned out really nice in the end. Challenge unlocked.
Thank you! We were very pleased with the result despite the effort. We are very pleased. Now it's time to disassemble! 👍
Well, amazing job you did there! I think it was pretty amazing you were able to pull it off despite the lack of experience of building modular structures. It's great to know you were open to explore and give it a try. Hopefully you will get more job orders like this. Seems like you enjoyed it. 😄
Thank you very much! We always had the uncertainty if it would look good, but with effort it was achieved and we liked it very much. Hopefully your finger will come true... and more orders will come!!!! Thanks for commenting, it encourages us.👍
It must be satisfying and proud to see your creation from nothing to something so professional and to be seen be all the visitors to the exhibition. Well done 👍
Yes, that's right. It feels great to see a project take real shape, even a small one. Thank you very much 👍
A great result after a few days of intense work. Satisfied customer. And you feel proud of having achieved it.❤️
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