When you put in the effort it defo pays off. I think that that work ethic is being lost on the younglings just starting out but that's how you make money!
When you put in the effort it defo pays off. I think that that work ethic is being lost on the younglings just starting out but that's how you make money!
Yeah for sure it's how you make the money and get experience honestly. I don't know, I think the shitheads that are in their late 20's and early 30's are the lazy mother fuckers entitled shits. I think the kids that are 17-21 right now are going to be a different breed. They see the infantile nature of these dumbasses and the harder working nature of people older than them and I think are choosing to work. I have a couple people near me that are in this age bracket and they are solid workers!
They will get owned by that up coming generation!! And rightly so.
The lazy generation don't realise it's a bit too soon for UBI 🤣🤣