Independence Day at work

in WorkLife2 years ago

Since I discovered that this community exists I realized that it would be a great opportunity to tell some experiences, definitely this blockchain offers us everything. My current job is a Call Center in the city of Lima that is dedicated to providing personalized attention to the telephone needs of large companies, there I do analysis and review of databases with the intention of determining that the cases that are generated in the day meet the conditions set by ISO, the truth is I have a lot of fun doing it.

But what I want to show you in this post is an activity we did to commemorate Peru's national holidays, each team had to decorate their workspace with themes from different regions of the country such as the highlands, the coast, the jungle, among others.

Desde que descubrí que esta comunidad existe me di cuenta de que sería una gran oportunidad para contar algunas experiencias, definitivamente ésta blockchain nos ofrece de todo. Mi trabajo actual es un Call Center de la ciudad de Lima que se dedica a prestar atención personalizada a las necesidades telefónicas de grandes empresas, allí hago funciones de análisis y revisión de bases de datos con la intención de determinar que los casos que se generan en el día cumplan con las condiciones establecidas por ISO, la verdad me divierto mucho haciéndolo.

Pero lo que les quiero mostrar en este post es una actividad que realizamos conmemorando las fiestas patrias del Perú, cada equipo debía decorar su espacio de trabajo con temáticas de distintas regiones del país como la sierra, la costa, la selva, entre otros.




From the first hour my colleagues and I, under the guidelines of the supervisor who planned everything very well, followed the instructions to place the decoration, which in our case was related to the jungle. Most of the material used was recycled, but we also used green and brown paper to simulate leaves, vines and roots.

Desde la primera hora mis compañeros y yo bajo los lineamientos del supervisor quien planificó todo muy bien, nos dedicamos a seguir las instrucciones para así colocar la decoración que en nuestro caso era relacionada a la selva. La mayoría del material usado era reciclado, pero también usamos papel de colores verde y marrón para simular hojas, lianas y raíces.









WhatsApp Image 2023-07-29 at 12.30.37 PM.jpeg

I thought it was great that in this country they have so much passion in these national holidays, in my country of origin they are not lived in this way so it was something that surprised me for good, that speaks very well of the identity they have and that is worth a lot. In addition to the decoration there was also food and typical dances, we did little work that day, most of the time was decorating and sharing.

Me pareció genial que en este país tengan tanta pasión en estas fechas patrias, en mi país de origen no se viven de esta manera así que fue algo que me sorprendió para bien, eso habla muy bien de la identidad que tienen y eso vale mucho. Adicional a la decoración también hubo comida y bailes típicos, fue poco lo que realmente trabajamos ese día, la mayor parte del tiempo fue decorando y compartiendo.


I hope to share with the community more work experiences in the coming weeks, my job is not the most fun in the world but I do it with all my heart, we'll see if something worth telling comes up. Greetings!

Espero compartir con la comunidad mas experiencias laborales en las próximas semana, mi trabajo no es el mas divertido del mundo pero lo hago con todas las ganas posibles, ya veremos su surge algo que valga la pena contar. ¡Saludos!

-Used tools and Credits:

- Photo taken with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Translator: DeepL Translate



This is the example of patriotism that has been lost in many countries like mine. What an excellent idea to decorate in this way the workplace and show how much they love their country, I wish more of us could take this example.

Happy Independence Day! ❤️

It is true that it is a great example of patriotism, I am not from this country but I really like the spirit they have, so of course I joined the sharing and collaborated with what I could, it was a great day. Thanks for your support!

What a beautiful and festive place. Excellent work.

The place was spectacular, and there were also dance activities that further enlivened the atmosphere. Thanks for your visit!

Happy independence Day. It is like when a person has such a job where it is necessary for a person to sit at all times, then a person celebrates his units in the same way. Beautifully decorated, we pray that your country continues to prosper.

Thanks for the good wishes, we certainly had a good day sharing and enjoying. Best regards!

Bro I didn't know about this community, as you rightly mention Hive has everything and that's what makes our experience as content creators even cooler 👍.

The decoration commemorating the independence of Peru was great, the best of all is that they shared and enjoyed a great day among coworkers. Activities like this are essential to motivate workers and to stimulate camaraderie, plus it speaks very well of the values that build the company.

Something that caught my attention is the number of cubicles, it is a fact that the work that is carried out in these facilities is great, arduous and at the same time exemplary. I send you a hug brother, it has been great to know your workplace and your experience in this special day that you share with us... You Rockkkkk!!! 👊😎🔥💼💻❤️

Bro no sabía de esta comunidad, como bien mencionas Hive tiene de todo y es lo que hace más genial nuestra experiencia como creadores de contenido 👍.

La decoración conmemorando la independencia del Perú quedó genial, lo mejor de todo es que compartieron y disfrutaron de un gran día entre compañeros de trabajo. Actividades como esta son imprescindibles para motivar a los trabajadores y para estimular el compañerismo, además que habla muy bien de los valores que edifican la empresa.

Algo que me llamó mucho la atención es la cantidad de cubículos, es un hecho que el trabajo que se lleva a cabo en esas instalaciones es grande, arduo y a la vez ejemplar. Te mando un abrazo hermano, ha sido genial conocer tu lugar de trabajo y tu experiencia en este día tan especial que nos compartes... You Rockkkk!!! 👊😎🔥💼💻❤️

It is true that these celebrations and activities encourage workers, I saw them all very focused on sharing and collaborating and therefore I felt them with much less stress, this job can be very demanding at times.

There are many cubicles but that is only one floor, the building has five so you can imagine how many workers there are, it was really a party.

Thanks a lot for your visit brother, see you!

Es cierto que estas celebraciones y actividades incentivan a los trabajadores, los vi a todos muy enfocados en compartir y colaborar y por ende los sentí con mucho menos estrés, éste trabajo puede ser muy demandante en ocasiones.

Hay muchos cubículos pero ese solo es un piso, el edificio tiene cinco así que ya podrás imaginar la cantidad de trabajadores que hay, la verdad fue una fiesta.

Mil gracias por tu visita hermano, nos vemos!

One thing I love about your workplace is that you people love to celebrate things.
No matter how little something may be, we should learn to celebrate...
Happy Independence day
Nice pictures...

Every time there is a holiday my coworkers take the opportunity to celebrate it, they are very united and organized, they have a lot of values and respect their country. Thank you for your good wishes!

my job is not the most fun in the world but I do it with all my heart

Call centers are usually perceived as quite a boring job so it's great to that your company makes the workplace so fun be initiating these activities.

And having the heart to do your work is very important otherwise you just end up being a robot and hating your job.

Look forward to you sharing more about your WorkLife with us

It was hard for me to understand, but after a while I learned that we should work with a sense of humor and as if it were for myself, doing it with a heavy attitude only makes the days longer.

I too hope to be back soon to share much more. Greetings!

It's great to have those decorations, it makes work more fun and enjoyable.