Procrastination, can we overcome it?. || By @rosmerby

in WorkLife2 years ago

1. Portada Edición Diaria.jpg

    Hello again! I have come once again eager to bring a contribution to this important work community. Today I bring a concern that has been going around in my head for many hours, and the reason is that due to the type of work I do, I continually have to face new terms that come up around me. I guess I am not the only person to whom this happens.

New terms

    I continually have to learn and keep in touch with phrases in my native language and also in other languages such as Latin, English, French, in short, I handle a diversity of terms. Today, for example, I learned about "procrastination", I had never heard that word before, but it turns out that it is quite well known. It is something strange, it refers to the practice of delaying activities that should be attended to, substituting them for other less important matters despite having the opportunity to carry them out. And what do you think? Although I didn't know the term, it has happened to me in my work!



  From the moment she mentioned it in the office, the psychologist assigned to the court where I work, I have been trying to familiarize myself with this issue of procrastination, in order to overcome it and not let it happen to me again. Come to think of it, there must be a lot of people dealing with it, and upon further analysis, I realized that it is quite common for us to leave activities pending due to emotional issues. In general, the activities we put off are those that bore us, or simply because we don't understand them at the time, we leave them undone and then the consequences are not so pleasant.


 I remember an opportunity in which I had to publish a sentence on a specific date and before 3:30 in the afternoon, it is an internal protocol in some courts. To make a good publication, you must study a lot, both national laws, as some jurisprudence that correspond to the case, and in some cases also the criteria of great doctrinarians, the purpose is that the sentence is well substantiated to justify the decision taken by the judge. I spent the whole week on it, the day began and ended and I did not invest much effort in doing it, I replaced that responsibility with other tasks, and when the day finally came to publish the sentence, everything was more difficult, I had to work under a lot of pressure, because I only had 24 hours left to finish what I had a week to do, it was totally abrupt.


    The fact is that we put aside what is important and focus on other things for emotional reasons, which results in the neglect of the most urgent tasks. But, like every problem and like every failure, procrastination also has a solution. If we recognize that we are failing and we pay more attention to this situation, we can create several efficient methods that can be applied to overcome it and so that it does not become a pattern of behavior that leads us to failure, we can always apply techniques to be more productive in our job.


    I believe that the most important thing is to put our attention on getting ahead, so we can take place to organize the tasks of each day, prioritizing the most urgent, as well as eliminate all distractions that exist around us, so that we do not fall into temptation to divert attention from what we are doing. And the essential touch is to reward the effort we invest in the work, in the way we like, and to the extent of our possibilities, so we will be more encouraged to perform our tasks efficiently, then we can be more productive, surely.




    So far my publication, I hope it will be of support for you and help to improve our work inside and outside the community, I will try to create good techniques to overcome the obstacles. Best regards to all of you!

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My native language is Spanish, for English I used the web translator: (free version)
The images are my property
Editions made in Powerpoint Authored by @rosmerby