In my early days in Sweden, newspapers were a great source of learning Swedish. I used to bring a copy of a newspaper from the underground station every day. Metro was Sweden's largest free newspaper. Which closed in 2019 after prolonged financial struggles.
K11fang, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Well! I saw an ad for a Bollywood film store in the daily Metro newspaper.
I thought I could give them a better design than the ad in the newspaper. This video shop was near my apartment. When I went there, the shop was crowded with people buying and renting Indian movie cassettes. After waiting there for a while, I realised that one of the reasons for the crowd was the large journals in the shop rather than the computers. I immediately turned down the design offer, and began preparing a pitch to sell the movies rental system.
I talked to the owner of the shop, who is also from Pakistan. After introducing myself, I started to tell him the benefits of the computerised rental program, and how he can reduce his workload by using a rental system. He appreciated my proposal and agreed to create a desktop application on a low budget.
Before leaving Pakistan I was working in a marketing and research company as assistant human resource manager and I had the extra task to quality control the company's Payroll system, so I had a good connection to the IT department. I contacted them to develop a required desktop application including a customer and stock management. Initially, my plan was to outsource this project. But after a few calls and emails to my former colleagues, I realised that without proper team building, it is almost impossible to outsource any project. I didn't want to lose this project as I convinced the shop owner, and now before building my reputation I never ever wanted to spoil it.
So, I started to build this desktop application on MS Access. When the system was ready, I was amazed by myself, I was so happy and jumping.
The system was user friendly and video store benefited greatly from its use. Which was not possible using journals. Amjad and his brothers used to work at the shop at different times. So some customers used to take advantage of it. That we have returned the film to your brother, or we have given the membership to your brother. So, comment section along with an entry of time and date of movie rental. In which the necessary information related to the customer could be entered was useful to tackle this kind of situation. After the expiry of the membership date, the member's profile used to be locked and he could rent the movie again only after renewal. Through this program it became very easy to find which film is in stock and which film is kept on which shelf. It would not be wrong if I say that this program was a great relief for this video store.
I was very happy to complete this project successfully. Even today I have that program saved somewhere in my backup.
I was also getting website designing work from Abstra, the company for which I built an online Tailor store, but that was not enough for me to survive so I also worked in a cleaning company which has an interesting story of its own and I will share it with you in separate post very soon.
Finally, I would like to say that we are not born with skills in our field. There will be times when we feel like we can't go on, but it is important to remember that we must never give up. We should keep pushing forward and strive to achieve our goals. No matter how hard things seem. Keep reaching for the stars, and you will eventually reach them.
My father taught me that the most difficult thing in life is to build a reputation in your field and to maintain it is even more difficult. I asked him if its so difficult then how one can make it. He said Be consistent - Follow through on your promises and be consistent in your actions. People will remember if you're always flaky or if you always deliver on what you say you will.
When I read this ("When the system was ready, I was amazed by myself, I was so happy and jumping"), "I couldn't help" but be transported immediately to the moment when the protagonist of the movie in search of happiness was given the job he had worked so hard for. That was Happiness!
I had always had dreams of entrepreneurship. "I don't know what happened to me" to stay in my comfort zone, working 30 years for the most important oil industry in my country. The experts say that it is never too late, and I want to, or I have no choice but to embrace this concept very strongly.
Dear @shahzad-ansari I enjoy reading such fascinating and true stories of personal, intellectual and spiritual progress, why not?!
Thank you so much for sharing such uplifting experiences.
A big hug!...
Thanks for taking out your time to go through my blog. I am glad and fortunate to be the one which really thought and wish for the upcoming generation to follow their passion.
You may not have got the chance but surely you must have success stories in your field.
You are right, determination and stability are very important in human life. What your father said to you is very meaningful and very beautiful. Thanks for this nice share. I read your post twice.
Thanks for commenting on my shared post. I really blessed to have such friendly and supportive parents. All we need to replicate with our upcoming generation to make them stable. I think we should address whom have got any kind of support from elders and appreciate them in some way as I did through my post.
I appreciate you took out time and thanks reading my post.
Looks like your father gave you the best advice possible and I see you're resourceful as well as you know a lot of things, also willing to learn. Well done.
I heard a lot this advice "Become a master of one thing" but thanks to my parents they didn't put such restrictions on me.
Restricting a child is the worst thing you can do as a parent. That is hop you kill passion and talent, personal development as well.
Since I'm here, I'd like to make another suggestion, if I may. I see you have delegated the majority of your stake, if not all. It's not a bad idea, as helping projects is always welcome, but mostly when you have enough stake left, to vote other users. Otherwise it looks like a greedy and lazy act, which is done to spare yourself of curating and get yourself more rewards. Please don't get me wrong, you most likely did not know that, but try to grow your stake and start spreading your votes as a sign of appreciation and support the other members of Hive. This is a community and we work together, grow together.
To be honest, I didn't understand anything. Can you explain in detail? Am i doing anything wrong? Actually my brother introduced me this platform for sharing blog which i was doing before on social media platforms.
I'm sorry, I mistaken you with someone else and I don't know who 😂
I'm really sorry for scaring you like this 😔
Hello Erikah, I delegated him 100 Hp and He didn't delegate his power to anyone
Maybe there is some mistake, checking his delegation etc 😅
And I am happy that you are giving your time to educate about the platform, I myself don't know much (in deep)
Thanks and have a nice day!
I've checked now and indeed it was a mixup, I've mistaken him with someone else and can't remember who it was.
I'm happy to help, so if you need clarification, please let me know
Its all good, and sure I will... If there is situation...
Thanks again
And have a nice day!
Thanks so much for sharing , I had to read and read again, its worth the time. thanks to your father for the advice, it was one in a million, and am glad you hid to them, now i am a beneficiary of your fathers advice to you. thanks
Thank you so much @jimmyrosy for your kind word. Often children understand their parents' advice too late. My parents' advice has helped me a lot in every step of my life. I wish I could pass this legacy on to my children.