Today alone, I saw in my spam folder about 12 emails that are possible phishing emails, trying to get me to click on things. Most of them were related in one way or the other to coronavirus.
Scammers will be scammers. They don't care about you or your wellbeing. All they care about is the scam.
Unfortunately during this global pandemic, we're seeing a lot of scams going about. Beware of email scams that pretend to be from your bank, government or a well-meaning billionaire. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Peace & Love,
▶️ DTube
Tell me about it man.. These scammers are everywhere. Had one from Blockchain.com just a few mins ago.
Hahaha. Blockchain.com LOL. Let me guess.. free BTC haha
Fuck those guys. They'll use every means to run a scheme.
It's crazy really.
Scammer got time to do.....
If only they put the same energy into doing good :)
Surprising to hear scammers using this present pandemic to scam also.
Thanks for the inform
Scammers don't care who they hurt. They just only care about the scam.
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they don't leave any thing even its pandemic or opportunity