The Role of the Nation's Children in Maintaining the Philosophy and Ideology of Pancasila- KH. DR. Jeje Zaenuddin, M.Ag.

in DTube4 years ago

The Role of the Nation's Children in Maintaining the Philosophy and Ideology of Pancasila- KH. DR. Jeje Zaenuddin, M.Ag.

This National Symposium was held by the Head of the Indonesian Student Da'wah Circle Center. In this presentation, KH. DR. Jeje Zaenuddin, said that:

  1. Pancasila is also called miitsaaq (agreement / agreement / convention / charter) between Indonesian leaders

  2. ولا تكونوا كالتي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة أنكاثا تتخذون أيمانكم دخلا بينكم أن تكون أمة هي أربى من أمة إنما يبلوكم الله به وليبينن لكم يوم القيامة ما كنتم فيه تختلفون
    And do not be like a woman who Entwistle's her twisted threads, becoming separated again, you make your oath (covenant) a deceitful tool among you because there is one group that is more numerous than the other. Verily Allah is only testing you with it. And indeed on the Day of Resurrection, He will explain to you what you used to dispute about. (Surah An-Nahl: 92)

  3. Pancasila is a national woven bond that unites the Indonesian nation's children.

  4. Born June 22, 1945, Pancasila was born as the "miitsaaq" / "ashaahifah" / gentlemen agreement.

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