He wasn't so happy at the beginning?! It seems that after the treats you went to become friends again.
I experienced similar feelings when I get too much into one thing and neglect the other two. Lately, with crypto, I've noticed that I started to spend a lot more time worrying about what I'm missing out, making me less present in a way, rushing to get the coffee done, to check things in my computer. It's so hard to be aware sometimes that life is a long game, and we are not missing out on anything.
Anyway mate, wish you a good recovery.
btw, your last two videos I could not watch them as I get this message
"Video unavailable
This video is restricted. Please check your network administrator restrictions."
I'm wondering if it's because I'm using NextDNS and the main video is the youtube version.
Have an awesome day!
Lol yea that is my Jerry for yea ... listens only to his stomach 😂 he a bundle of joy over all though LOL
Yea man mind-body-soul it’s so hard to recognize when your letting one fall in propping another up. I am almost addicted to this online creative thing so I know exactly what you mean by having to remember to pull back out.
The playability may be just YouTube’s end but I am not a DNS pro either ... if you experience again are you able to try playing with a normal DNS setup? No issues with direct uploaded videos just YouTube?
Lol, it seems all my comments went through. Apologies for the spam!
He he, eating is the first priority on Jerry's life.
It seems that direct uploads are fine. Youtube seems to block a lot of things that I want to watch. I spoke to them, but there's nothing that support can do as they suspect that I've been flagged, although it seems strange as it usually comes with a warning first.
I don't think they like me to use a nextDNS, as it cripples all the following and tracking they do.