850,000 Mt Gox Bitcoins and FTX Coins (What To Do About Their Release?)

in DTubelast year

It is crazy all the delays to pay back creditors from the Mt Gox hack in 2014. Now they are giving themselves and extra year to pay people back. 850,000 Bitcoins to be supposedly paid back before October 31st of 2024. What a joke. Same with the FTX coins. They can start liquidating them now but will they? Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until the market hits the next bull market to sell them to attempt to make customers more whole than they can now.

I don't think any of these narratives should really change you game plan on stacking coins because there have been so many delays and fake outs with all this stuff. These huge amounts of BTC are somewhat of a worry though. People are trying to just have 1 Bitcoin and some of these companies and entities have hundreds of thousands of them.

Myself and a lot of my associatiates are making moves now and taking our positions.

#bitcoin #mtgox #cryptocurrencies #ftx #litecoin #dogecoin

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Now is the time to stack sats.
Yes there is going to be one huge pullback, but it will be gone in the blink of an eye.
Unless you are lucky, you won't get any of the cheap bitcoin.

But, will you care much when bitcoin is at 1 mil each, whether you bout at $10k or $20k or $30k?

Stacking for sure! No body has a big enough bag.