Stepping into the Arena of Wokeism - I'm Writing a Book!

in DTube2 years ago

I had a great coaching call with Rob Hardy today and felt inspired to announce that I'm writing a book about wokeism and that I'd like to document the process as I go. I'm about three weeks in and it's a pure minefield of a topic to research!

It's ironic that I was inspired to discuss wokeism by a book that has a blurb on the front by JK Rowling!

Poverty Safari:
Talking to my Daughter:
"Liberalism Cannot Defeat Wokeness" - Yoram Hazony -

"The System is Rigged Against the Poor" - Darren McGarvey -



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Are you for or against social justice? If for, then I'm interested to know why you use "wokeism" as a term at all. It's rather derogatory.

I "use" the term because I keep hearing it over and over and had no idea what it meant. I'm also unsure what is meant by 'social justice'. I'm for justice in all its flavours, and if social is one of those flavours, then I must be for it. I'm just not sure what it is. And the term 'woke' is only derogatory if you think it is. You're giving it that meaning, not I. Some people seem to identify with that term.

had no idea what it meant.

Ah! It's a little like 'gay' in that people will use it to describe themselves, but others use it as an insult.

I've seen woke defined as "aware of social and political issues, especially racism". I think most people are aware of these things, but some don't think they matter.

Anyway, nice to see you commenting here. It took you a while to respond to me. You will find all viewpoints on Hive, but that's what it's designed for.

Actually I said "wokeism" not "woke" was derogatory. I don't see woke as derogatory.

I see, I see. So what would you use for the noun then?