
Sorry you fell this way. But let's be real here. Being on lock down, and the government deciding what is an essential business is destroying more lives then Covid-19.

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. Source. Guess what is happening? The poverty line is growing over this! There should, and there will be outrage if the lock downs continue.

I have been bunkard down, and only going to get grocery's, and yes I am afraid to get the Covid-19. But is it because of a real threat. or is it because I am being conditioned to be this way from the government and media? I cant say. Either way, I respect everyone's decision. If you want to play it safe, thats great. If you want to go to a 420 rally, or a quiceatta, that is also ok. Who am I to say any different.

Well said brother. We are not ignorantly gathering with unwashed hands and slobbering all over each other's joints - I highly doubt there will be many pipes actually passed this year, I would imagine everyone will have their own personal stash to enjoy in a group setting... I know I am not planning on hitting other people's pipes.