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RE: FMN – USA Today Published Guide on Manipulating Friends and Family into Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

in DTube4 years ago

BBC published the same article:

And it has been running here in Canada since Easter, usually under the heading "how to deal with your crazy conservative white uncle's conspiracy theories at family dinner".

Meanwhile Fauci admitted that we need 90% vaccination for herd immunity, and he only said 60% at first because we couldn't handle the truth, and now that we've begun to accept the jab, he's willing to admit we need 90%.

But since nobody under 16 can get the shots, that only leaves a maximum of 85% that can be vaccinated, even if you jab everybody with allergies and pre-existing conditions that preclude them from getting it, and all the people who have decided they're never going to accept it.

Besides, the jab doesn't stop transmission, it's just a symptom blocker, so even if 90% of us get injected, nobody will have immunity, so we'll he no closer to herd immunity than we are now.