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RE: Playing with my new GoPro Hero 10 for the First time - Success and Error | 4K

in DTube3 years ago

I've been a fan of sports cameras for a while now, I always dreamed of a gopro hero 3 when I was in high school, I would like to participate in your contests like the GoPro Million Dollar Challenge, they are amazing shots. It is an idea that I do not discard, for now I use a faithful sports camera of another brand that has already lasted me a couple of years, it has been useful for shots in the water and at heights, although the latter I have not done much recently:


Congratulations on your hero 10, it's beautiful and has tremendous quality😍


Extraordinary Picture I must say, I will try to capture such kinds of photos soon but before that, I need a selfie stick. I have been saving money for 1 year to buy GoPro, basically, my target was GoPro 9 but I added a few more money to buy 10 so that I don't miss any extra features. Here, GoPro is expensive but I hope I will make it useful and can't wait to play with it again...

Hopefully you get a good stabilizer, I have no idea how much it can cost now, I have mine since 2015, imagine the years it has lasted me hahaha, glad you got your gopro, enjoy. Regards :)