THE WASH ...DAILY with Joey SLLiks CANNABIS NEWS REPORT for Weednesday March 11 2020

in DTube5 years ago

Weednesday March 11, 2020

Happy Hempday in todays report

The USDA has approved two more plans for cannabis regulation for hemp regulation Georgia and Montana have both had their hemp production plans approved. This is good news as it shows the US DA is actively trying to support the hemp industry currently USDA as well as the DEA are the bodies that are in charge of regulating hemp industrial hemp and all hemp products ...the DEA is taking a ridiculous stance on a THC cap for hemp plants which anyone who understands what degree is overkill and heavy-handed it’s almost like they’re trying to make it unusable for some reason
#happyhempday #usda

A public comment period was reopened indefinitely for individuals to submit feedback on the cannabis compound.



New Jersey
Declares you cannot fire “medical marijuana” users for using Cannabis

New Jersey is Justin wild was working for a funeral home it was involved in a car accident where she was not found to be at fault however the company made him take a drug test and he did test positive for cannabis and immediately after testing positive he was fired from his position he has also sued the company and one now setting a precedent that New Jersey courts are saying you cannot fire somebody who is medical marijuana patient freezing cannabis unless of course they show up on the job high or aren’t able to do their job

USDA difficult to imagine a whole hemp beating corn and soy beans

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