Having more entrepreneurs in a country means "less unemployment" and more employment opportunities. Having more companies and less entrepreneurs means these huge companies will control the economy. Nevertheless in a place like Nigeria, the sky is not big enough.
Because we have limited consumers companies tries to kill competition by making sure their employes never leave their companies to start up their own business.
The do this by pay them what they do not deserve. They do this by keeping them in the dark rather than exposing them to the company's secret to success
Companies tend to make startup business go through stiff competition by cementing their brand through advertising and making sure entrepreneurs don't last as a result of low patronage.
In other words, people needs to come out to establish themselves as dogged entrepreneurs and challenge established companies with the money and fire power. While people are running away from entrepreneurship big entities are controlling the economy and taking the whole profits without empowering people to be their own man.
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Wow! for once I never thought of it this way but from the narration in vid, you are damn right. These companies don't want to invest in the knowledge that of the workers. they are more like having the agenda to change workers frequently from time to time, clearly before the workers sees the full length to understand the business in depth. I believe it is for this reason you see a man work for a company, be it big or small, for over 10 years and when he gets sacked, he becomes frustrated about what to do with his life as it will always seem like he has gathered no atom of knowledge whatsoever in those past years.
You're absolutely correct in that context my friend. Thats Why people in the public sector never takes the job seriously. Job owners are too greedy and never satisfied. It takes a lot to leave a job and be established by yourself.
This is actually the fact because anyone that works for a company will always try to do their best in order to be promoted so that they can earn more but by the end of the day they hardly get enough to start their own business.
The main company owners usually finds a way to keep their workers and closed in a small cycle and make them feel as if there is no way of survival for them outside the organization. This is why those that usually set up their own mini business are only those that goes beyond all odds in order to escape from the grip of these companies .
The big companies are preventing people from actually becoming their own boss and own their businesses simply because they don't want that competition. An economy will never grow if this is this case, it can only result in monopoly in the long run. Thanks for the feedback man.