They are the largest members of the grass family. Bamboo plants usually grow together in clumps. 10-70/80 bamboo plants are seen together in one cluster. These bunches are called bamboo shoots.
Let's first come to the matter of rattling bamboo. Bamboo grows 60-70 feet tall. But not a tree. Grasses. It is said that bamboo is the largest grass in the world. Therefore, like a tree, the inside of its trunk is not solid, but hollow. A knot at a distance of half a foot. Bamboo is not as strong as other plants because it is hollow inside. Moreover, there are many kanchi on the upper side of the bamboo. They are also very big. So Aga's side becomes heavy. Then the effect of the force of gravity on the bamboo works well. Like all grasses, bamboo is bound to fall. But saplings or lame bamboos do not have the feeling of leaning. After the bamboo becomes very large, its stem gradually becomes heavy. This process does not last for a day, but from a few weeks to a few months. The main obstacle in this slow process is the fiber inside the bamboo. No matter how much the force of gravity tries to bend it, the fibers inside the bamboo body will try to resist it to some extent. And then there was a loud sound in the bamboo trees. At noon the field is almost deserted. Even the slightest sound can be heard from far away in the quiet solitude. The village people are not ready for so many explanations. They love to be scared. They stopped and looked when there was a sudden rustling in the lonely bamboo grove. But can't find the source of the sound. As a result, the imaginary victim makes his fear worthwhile.
There is another reason for the mid-afternoon rattling of bamboo. Let's say, a farmer is going to the field with his herd of cows and calves. A bent bamboo fell on the road. It is tilted in such a way that there is not enough space for cows to pass under it.
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Thank you @piya3
Your video was very informative about Bamboo!
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