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I am very sad to hear that you suffer from night terrors. I am no doctor but also suffer from sleeping difficulties. I have found the use of cannabis to be beneficial. Also, the suggestions by @fityan are very good.

I do hope that you find what works best for you in countering your sleeping difficulties.

Trima kasih kalau ada manfaatnya, itu doa saya ketika susah tidur, dan tertidurlah dengan pulas.

Saya prihatin membaca kisah anda, saran saya minta perlindungan dari godaan Jin Syetan terhadap Tuhan saat sebelum tidur, beryoga dan "meng-ucapkan" kalimat positif berulang -ulang, dan menenangkan diri ,serta minum air putih yang cukup, karena kondisi tubuh kekurangan cairan maka akan memunculkan halusinasi bawah sadar, semoga bermanfaat,Amin

Could be possible that some of the things you worry about in life, might be manifesting in your REM sleep. Since REM is our dream sleep and involves different parts of the brain like memory. Theres a couple different theories in the purpose of REM. Some people do have nightmares. Sometimes i think if someone is having a sleep apnea episode, it could also trigger a panic feeling since its like getting short of breath and waking up from it.

After listening it does sound more like youre having some sleep apnea episodes in your REM sleep. You might have a narrow airway, so that when your body relaxes, the airway closes up, and makes it hard to breathe. You wouldnt know because youre asleep when it happens. Stay on your side, most people do better! Get a sleep study!