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RE: Where is the mask ??? Is COVID19 over!!! || Daily Vlog

in DTube5 years ago

To be honest, the current situation is so frustrating, I can understand business and economic purpose but when I see how people are ignoring this pandemic virus, I feel bad. You can see how people are moving and living their life, just like that...

I am still taking time for myself to get back to normal life, no hurry...


That is the best way to do it my dear. Seems as if the world is overly eager to return to normality yet I see within all the businesses that stipulations makes it nearly impossible. What were in countering right now here in Canada is businesses having to protect themselves from careless people not following the policies set in place which the business will be shut down if not enforcing. Businesses are being forced to wear masks if employees are not capable of doing social distancing yet we see businesses allowed to serve at their tables again... some of it is choose of the business but the fact they have been forced to invest in the protection of employees just to keep the business open to the public says a lot about what we will see as “normal” in the future!

No one will blame you for protecting yourself, especially me! For that matter I won’t blame you for not protecting yourself as I have not. That is a sacrifice I am willing to make for the sake of comfort doing my job serving the people that are wishing to remain safe. Simply put I have no choice but to practice social distancing for if someone reports me I won’t be able to deliver any longer, that is my lively hood in the hands of others 🤔