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RE: "If you dont persistent enough,you place will be replaced by others."

in DTube3 years ago

That's the harsh truth. You can be replaced easily. Maybe today you are a very important person for a company. It seems things will not run without you, but the company will appoint another person who will do the same job you are doing now.

Let's talk about the example you gave. An institution has a system. If you do a job, you can take leaves. You can take casual leave, annual leave, or even leave without pay. They may not give leave that long, but they cannot lay off someone like this. By the way, what happened to that brother? What did he do then?

Thanks! Have a great day, @aunik!


That incident was very much heart breaking for him.Not only to loose the job but also for humiliations.He decided not to stay in the country with faulty and corrupted system.He departed last year and went to Europe with a pretty much better opportunity.First of all thanks brother @rezoanulvibes for stopping by.

Sorry to hear that. Someone gets to a position without having qualifications and skills. Unfortunately, you may not change everything in the existing system.

When people don't get what they deserve, they will find opportunities somewhere. Wish him all the best!