Thank you for your appreciation. Keeping up with a contest this big has actually been quite a bit of work (not to mention all the "man-hours" put into all the designs by all the participants) - well worth every bit of it. I needed this massive amount of creative energy around me right now, this contest has helped me a lot. I am honored to assist in providing some awesomeness for our community once again. Blessings.
Thank you for your appreciation. Keeping up with a contest this big has actually been quite a bit of work (not to mention all the "man-hours" put into all the designs by all the participants) - well worth every bit of it. I needed this massive amount of creative energy around me right now, this contest has helped me a lot. I am honored to assist in providing some awesomeness for our community once again. Blessings.
It can be time consuming, that's for sure! Can't wait to see them all and chat about the final decision.