Staying Away from Covid 19...but Some people are still Fucking Clueless here in South Texas

in DTube5 years ago

A little rant. I am sick of covid 19 and want it to be behind us.I want to get out and socialize and have some fun just like the next guy.

But Coronavirus has a mind all it's own. So we cannot be totally oblivious to the fact the virus is alive and well in our Communities here in the US.

In South Texas, I have been recently to 'carry out' at some bars with mask in tow. And at one bar a couple of dozen people were chugging back the beers just joyfully sloshing the drinks back with complete strangers. It's like people come on let's give it a little bit of time before we do shit like this.

Sorry, but it's the truth !! We do not determine when the Pandemic is over with, rather the Pandemic determines when it is over.

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A lot of people here in Indiana act like the virus doesn't exist. It is very strange.

Until they get it :(

Exactly, some of them will still post on Facebook saying it is fake right before they are put on a ventilator

Some people in my country are not yet even sure or rather should i say they did not believe the virus exist.

They believe it is all lies

Covid is a virus. It has no mind. We stayed indoors and wore the masks to flatten the curve to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. We've done that. If the criteria for continuing the lockdown is the virus going away, going downward as you've said, then we will never leave the lockdown. Being aware of others and mindful of those with weak immune systems, we can do that. I won't visit a nursing home anytime soon. But my church, my local stores, my local restaurants, they don't deserve to have their freedoms restricted in the name of some concept of safety that is unattainable.

Yeah . there is no question we need to reopen. Its vitally important. But there is a smart way to do it.

Well, let's watch the governors and the results. We'll have to see.

It is actually everywhere. All we can do is to keep hoping and praying that this pandemic over with time

The sooner the better @adeyemidrey

I saw a lot of footage from parties people were having on the beach over Memorial weekend and it was just disgraceful. Talk about having no respect for the value of human life. It was like nothing was even going on in the world!

Ohh yes, life needs to continue but in a very safe manner and that people need to understand. It's just not about us but about everyone. Whatever people may think, I too do not agree to many things but just ensuring to take care and being safe does not harm anyone