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RE: Dota Gameplay boosting my friend

in DTube5 years ago

Let’s take a look where you are repeatedly committing the Seven deadly sins:

1 ~ Lust
2 ~ Gluttony
3 ~ Greed
4 ~ Sloth
5 ~ Wrath
6 ~ Envy
7 ~ Pride

  1. You are lusting for your own agenda, forcing yourself upon the digital space of others. You are no better than a rapist, forcing himself upon anyone he chooses in order to satisfy the pleasure of your twisted sense of having “done good,” with absolutely zero understanding of CONSENT.

  2. You are gluttonous, aiming to get as much of a fix on forcing your ideas upon others unsolicitedly, hungry for the ego-satisfaction of some idea of having done “good” in spite of violating community rules and disrespecting everyone you spam.

  3. You are greedy for a selfish mission you’ve rationalized as just to satisfy your own desires, with zero concern for the actual wishes of anyone else or the rules & guidelines of a community.

  4. You are straight up LAZY by relying on a bot to SPAM people, using the words of another in attempt to force your beliefs on others who do not wish to be be treated in such a fashion, rather than actually exerting the effort to engage in real, person-to-person conversation with honor and respect, earning the right to be heard by investing the time and energy in original dialogue with the human beings who make up this community (whose rules you repeatedly show zero concern for).

  5. You have taken upon some self-entitled mission to step outside the guidelines of this community as though you yourself are God and rules do not apply to you, wrathfully disrespecting and invading the space of every person you spam under some delusional mission which you wrongly justify.

  6. In all likelihood, there is probably envy buried somewhere deep in you for all those of us who’ve lived our lives uniquely as original content creators, rather than a parasitic parrot of scripts who has no respect for a community’s rules, envious of those who spend their lives in creative engagement rather than doing as you were told like a little self-deluded slave who’s so brainwashed you haven’t even been willing to accept you’ve shown more hate than anything else through your continuous disrespect and violence towards those who’ve repeatedly requested you actually follow the community rules by STOP SPAMMING to force your beliefs down everyone’s throats.

  7. You are so blinded by your own self-righteousness, high on a sense of pride in doing the “good” thing, filled with a smug, delusional sense of having done “right” in spite of repeatedly violating community rules and people’s space.

You, my NOT-friend, are a HYPOCRITE.

You wanna make a difference as a servant of God and the light?

Start by LEADING BY EXAMPLE. Meaning: quit your sins and STOP SPAMMING PEOPLE.