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RE: State of the Brain - My Thoughts on the Latest Proof of Brain Drama - Is PoB Doomed? - June 19, 2021

in DTube4 years ago

You had some good thoughts here. Thank you for communicating them. The community voiced their similar concerns regarding the mute and POB reversed it.

Yeah we definitely need to reduce the negativity. DV wars that I haven't experienced yet aren't good for anyone especially if there doesn't appear to be context behind it.

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The community voiced their similar concerns regarding the mute and POB reversed it.

Downvote wars are a global, blockchain-wide thing. They are present on the whole Hive blockchain, not just/only in POB. But it is good to read that POB is solving it in its own community.

The recently published guidelines by @trostparadox addresses downvotes in a bit more detail. For instance, DV for plagiarism will be allowed by individual provided proof is linked to the post being downvoted. DV'ing for rewards and more subjective behaviors will have to happen by consensus. I imagine some clarifications will be needed.

Infractions against the rules could lead to temporary or permanent muting depending on how many times the rules get violated. If you haven't given your opinion on them please do so! Also @vempromundo recently released his own guidelines that compliment those of trost's in my opinion.

I can downvote what I want, when I want, regardless of guidelines that's the entire point of being a state holder.

Thanks for your socialist interpretation of a non-partisan blockchain tho.

"Put your money where your mouth is"

Downvoting is 50% of why I like hive.

If I can't express my dissent for an idea and make a financial utility investment to counter that narrative, I will be selling my hive.

If you don't like downvotes, that's fine but I consider downvoting to be essential to my participation on Hive.

I don’t disagree. They’re important. Just trying to understand all the aspects of it. I’ll never DV someone because they downvoted me. It’s their right to do so.