EMOM Workout #1- E4L Online

in DTube5 years ago

Het Team

In this video...

Here is a new workout for the #FitFam! 👊

Goal here is to set a 5 minute clock and complete the reps and skills within every minute on the minute. We had also added a 5 minute time block for you to complete a 2KM Airbike with Jumping Jacks.

2 EMOM Stations

  1. 8 Push-up Scissors / 14 Panthers
  2. 6 Burpees / 12 Touch Throughs

1 Time Station

  1. 2KM+ until done ➡️ Jumping Jacks to end of 5minutes.

Give this a go and tag a buddy to do it with👌

Official Gym Website - www.elements4life.com.au
E4L ONLINE SERVICES - https://elements4life.com.au/e4l-online-2/ FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/pg/Elements4LifeCoach/

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