This Advice Is For People With Ordinary Brain Capability.

in DTube3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,

I am serious on the title of the content. Those who belive they have extra ordinary set of brain, please ignore this post. My content is purely on my personal experince and a good practices that really motivates me and inspire me to read some good article again and again.

Earlier people used to fond of books but as the day goes by we able to get so many good article around us, be it magazine, newspaper, or over the internet. Reading them really help us to learn and enhance our knowledge. But mere reading once does not going to do good. Unless we read them twice. Th3 first time we read to get an overview of the content. The second time we read is to absorb the main crux of the content.

Reading twice really proved to be quite impactful and allow us to think broadly. It also allow us to do better.


Namaste @steemflow

▶️ DTube

There is power in knowledge , reading makes us to stand the chance to aquire the right knowledge..