That is the sort of methodical practice I don't do so much these days, but it can be useful. I've seen mention of the 'flying fingers' somewhere. Makes sense if you want to build speed. I also did Artistworks for a while with Paul Gilbert and having him check out your playing is quite something.
I notice on some of the exercises your right pinkie flicks out. I don't imaging it's an issue, but shows that fingers do work together. My right hand is very weak due to nerve damage, but I can still finger pick some tunes. Maybe some exercises would help build the strength.
I'm really enjoying it and hope I can build up some momentum to get to the challenging fun stuff and beyond. Plus it's making content, which I really want to do more of, and I haven't learned anything new on the guitar or even really played that much since lockdown.
Sorry to hear of your nerve damage Steve. It must be frustrating.
I have some guitar courses I ought to work on more. We can always learn something new.
The hand trouble is annoying. I have been experimenting with different picks to see what works. Can still play, but not for as long as before. I was happy I could get through a set at our festival gig last year.