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RE: ALEX JONES EMERGENCY Saturday 1/9/21 • Deep State Still Planning 25th Amendment Coup • Infowars

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

I don’t think President Trump is through quite yet... General Michael Flynn might have something to say about all this, considering he was thrown under the bus by these cheating lying treasonous traitors, there should be an opportunity for him to thank the idiots who allowed him to enter into evidence EVERYTHING he is aware of that happened during his 30 years of service. Much like @AustinSteinbart was able to do with the FBI’s made up case against him. #freeaustinsteinbart

With all of this said, it is almost time to congratulate these boneheads for basically turning themselves in and admitting guilt. The mountain of evidence against them is unprecedented! The Patriots are in control and they have EVERYTHING! There is NOTHING that can stop what is coming, and what is coming is the Military special ops, lead by General Flynn will take control of the Government under the Insurrection Act of 1807 and then the real fun begins!

The should and will start arresting every single person who participated in this fraud and treason by deception to undermine and overthrow a standing and true winner of the election Government and of President Donald J Trump! This is the only way. They must hit hard and stand down this tyranny and corruption and arrest all of them, including ANYONE who helped further perpetuate the lie and fraud that cheated the American citizens out of their true elected leader(s). Get ready General Flynn is coming for you swamp monsters! lock ‘em up!

Here is a great explanation of the Insurrection of 1807:


And what do you know... isn’t that Pompei?
