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RE: War Story - The scariest moment of staying in the basement after the invasion

in DTube3 years ago

You got it wrong. There's been a war going on for the last seven, eight years, just not this destructive of a war. Now Ukraine has incorporated different groups into their military for the last few years, not the entire eight. Some of these groups are hard core Nazi type groups, like the C14, which many people believe are CIA operatives. So this is a whole different aspect to this whole situation. My opinion is that yes Zalensky and his cohort, I forget his name right off the bat, who has financed him from the beginning of his presidency, are perfect for this role "I am Jewish so how can I be a Nazi" part. I speculate that Ukraine has been being used for the last few years of Zalensky's presidency to draw out hard right fighters not just in Ukraine but from abroad. It got so bad they even ran training camps there. This is the perfect "come on in and feel right at home" trap. This gets these groups communicating from across the globe. Many of these groups don't even communicate in open communications, no phones, no internet, that's how secretive they are. Now don't go getting me all hip ha raving for everyone of these groups but there are many who deserve to be taken down, but on the other hand if your country is being taken over by a globalist agenda and you find yourself in a similar situation like's these guys who are going to give the globalist a real run for their money and they know it. It's to their advantage to know where these people are to enable themselves to take them out first. Which, by the way, is exactly what happened in Ukraine. Here's another wild twist to Ukraine, Poroshenko (I think I spelled that right), was on television about a week after the fighting started. He's an ex president who was pro Russian during his tenure. He's all uniformed up saying how they are going to take out the Nazi's. A month prior to the war starting he was arrested by Zalensky, him and another guy, for treason against the country for selling fifty million dollars of coal to Russia. So you see how messed up this is? He could actually be on the inside in Ukrainian uniform fighting against Ukrainian soldiers also. So you have traditional Ukrainian army, you have the ex president facing treason dressed up in Ukrainian uniform with others around him dressed the same, you possibly have C14 cia operatives, Azvo guys and any other number of groups operating there, plus the Russians. One sure tall tale sign that something wasn't quite right with this whole mess was Zalensky's call out within a matter of hours, actually it was days but it was so fast I call it hours, for fighters across the globe to come join them. That's unheard of basically. What also is basically unheard of is that there wasn't any outcries from other world leaders telling their people not to go. Two and two just wasn't adding up to four on this one. It, to me, was a sure sign they've been operating globally looking for open communication and locations of right wing fighters. Whether hard core or not. Well, the not will sort of be easy to figure out if such a time comes here because they are all busy signing up for Truth Social media and clicking on Trump's offer for free gold medallions. Which might work out better for you and me since they'll just be able to go to their house, knock on the door and drag them out whereas your and my house or neighborhood may not have to be bombed to get them.


I guess if I had to pick one that stands out it'd be this one:

I just did a quick google search of the story to give an example, I've read varying reports on it so there's more than just one view of what happened, in other words depending on which story you read from whom there will be bias slanted in their favor. Since I wasn't there I don't honestly know whose story is the most accurate story.

I was never advocating for Russia. My personal opinion would be to let those area's be independent states but I am not under the impression it'd make the situation any better. One reason is is that this started over Obama administration wanting to go in there and drill for oil. Under the fog of the conflict they were in there with oil companies while using military to help them find oil in a shale area where they were going to set up to frack oil then ship the oil off to Europe. So that's another piece of the pie in this conflict. This whole thing started with trying to lay blame at the foot of one person whom for all you know may not having any political leanings, or maybe she's knee deep into it, regardless she suffered immensely whatever the reason if any. Now if those old ladies on balcony or the woman talking about the old people being shelled were on here telling their story I'd more than likely upvote their story also because a lot of these individuals, regardless of political views or leaning, are still just victims of the powers that be. If political entities, fighters, soldiers, regardless of which side they were on were on here depicting stories while actively engaged in destroying innocent people's lives I wouldn't be upvoting those post.