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RE: How will the Global Economy and Grand Solar Minimum Intersect (Bob Kudla 1_2)

in DTube5 years ago

Bob is a brilliant economist but knows nothing about the practical applications of nuclear ☢️ power . This isn’t a toaster oven BOB❗️🤦‍♂️ A nuclear plant is a very dangerous machine that requires extreme caution and is not safe or pollution free either . Thats a total lie . Just look around at all the nuclear ☢️ waste that currently has no home . Tons of waste that can not just be barrier in the back yard . This stuff will kill you . Unlike the waste of a coal powered plant or a gas powered plant that could take decades to have any effect . Nuclear ☢️ waste can kill you in minutes . Not decades . India and other places may have to , but they also won’t eat cows because they think they’re gods . 🤨 They won’t harm rats or monkeys 🐒 for the same reasons . So they might fall into a gigantic pandemic all of their own making anyways .