Englische Zeitformen auf Deutsch erklärt! Das Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past Perfect und Past Perfect Progressive GANZ EINFACH erklärt mit vielen Beispielen 👨🏫 In diesem kostenlosen Englischkurs zeige ich wie, wann und warum man das Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past Perfect und Past Perfect Progressive bildet, verwendent und ich zeige viele Beispielsätze. So sollte das Englisch Lernen kein Problem mehr sein!
Englische Zeitformen in diesem Video:
- Das Simple Past
- Past Progressive
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Progressive
00:00 Simple Past auf Deutsch erklärt
11:16 Past Progressive auf Deutsch erklärt
21:09 Past Perfect auf Deutsch erklärt
33:28 Past Perfect Progressive auf Deutsch erklärt
Die Videos kann man sich auch einzeln ansehen:
Das Simple Past:
Simple Past Übungen:
Das Past Progressive:
Past Progressive Übungen:
Das Past Perfect:
Past Perfect Übungen:
Falls etwas unklar ist kann man unter dieses Video ein Kommentar schreiben.
Weitere kostenlose Englischkurse gibt es hier zu sehen:
Das Englische Alphabet:
1000 Englische Vokabeln und das ABC:
Vokabeln, Verben, Nomen und Adjektive:
100 WICHTIGSTEN Englische Wörter🇬🇧
#englischlernen #simplepast #pastprogressive #pastperfect #pastperfectprogressive
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Das sind aber viele downvotes. Weißt du warum du geflaggt wirst? Konnte auf die schnelle nicht erkennen warum.
Keine Ahnung was @slobberchops gegen mich hat, das hat 4 Monate gedauert diesen Kostenlosen Englischkurs zu machen und jetzt sowas als Belohnung....
I's not personal, I don't hold vendettas against anyone. Try using 3speak, or is it that you use dtube simply because you know you will get a vote regardless of what you post?
I'm very confused by that post and I would appreciate it if you could clarify the following for me: The problem seems to be "lazy auto curation by DTube", because of that you want to manually downvote content that is "any old useless crap cell phone video (typically posted on youTube, as it is nearly impossible to post anything natively on dtube" and "nearly all of the posts with pending DT rewards are from small accounts, some of which are years old. They barely any VP to speak off, get no comments, and if they do, they don't respond. If they respond, it is usually 'thank you'. They cash out regularly (not all, but most)"
I don't understand how I fit into any of those categories? First of all, not all my videos have an upvote from Dtube, so I have no idea if they are using a bot to vote. If they do, I have no control over that as a content creator.
My HD videos are shot on a Canon G7X with a Zoom H1n Mic, edited in Davinci Resolve, I have spent 4 months doing research, planning, filming and editing the free english course you downvoted. Not sure what VP has to do with anything, but I have tons of it on DTube. I don't get any comments, because DTube barely has any users that speak German, here is proof: https://hive.blog/hive-133987/@arcange/hive-statistics-20230308-en (see Point 3 "dapps", DTube is almost on last place).
I have not once cashed out on DTube or Hive (I cashed out on Steemit a few times years ago, but that's about it).
I have tried to post on 3speak, the issue is they don't offer embedding of YouTube videos, something that is quite unique on DTube and is great for SEO (search engine optimisation), it also posts automatically to Hive if connected, which is (again) great for SEO.
So if you could clarify what the problem is with my content specifically, that would be appreciated. If you want to downvote all the spam on DTube and Hive be my guest, that's a full-time job and much appreciated, I just don't get how I am in any way fitting in that category?
Hi @slobberchops, I think this detailed answer at least deserves a reply.
@tanbay, many people here don´t like dtube and how they betrayed Hive. So the downvotes are probably to de-incentivize users to post on dtube regardless if you are an exception from the spammers there. I would really consider stopping the reblogging on Steem or dtube. At the end of the day you have to do a calculation of what is more worth, the SEO or the rewards on Hive? I also curate mostly people who commit to Hive and not try to grab rewards everywhere (and by this supporting Steem and other shit chains).
Thank you for explaining that to me, I disconnected my DTube account from Hive and Steemit
Good reply
I think you already answered it, the size of the response probably me off.., I work late and was probably tired. Yes, it was dtube and now that service has packed in.. so has @tanbay and his daily posting.
I mentioned use @3speak and he hasn't bothered, which tells me he was using dtube simply because of the vote, regardless of the content.