Did you have tried those video formats already? (DTube Tips!)

in DTube4 years ago

Today this video idea came to my mind:
3 different video formats which are successful on other video platforms & I would like to see more on dtube!In the last DTubers Hangout @greencross we talked about the missing content variation on dtube and I would also like to see more topics / formats on dtube!

If you have any more ideas, feel free to share them in the comments :)


If you have missed the last DTubers Hangout #2:

people I have mentioned in this video:

https://www.youtube.com/kurtisconner https://www.youtube.com/user/actualdannygonzalez https://www.youtube.com/jamesmarriott eboys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSShJvAVgrk2cctuC0_zrLQ @adventoroussoul - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFxhJpcIvqZIcOBarAZG9Gw

P.S. yes - I recently purchased a telepromoter and I guess I need to learn to act more natural lol

▶️ DTube

I do agree that there could be more tutorials on here. I appreciate your concerns and ideas. However I really think it is a matter of scale. Firstly I believe there is eventually an audience for any kind of videos. Secondly I think we are comparing my wallet to Warren Buffett's wallet lol. Once Dtube reaches some critical mass of scale, the variety will follow.

Thanks for your comment and input :) Warren will make this joke about us some day.. perhaps.. ^^ I hope that we find more variety of content with the current userbase already. Here are many exciting people and too many "success in life means..." videos. but I agree that it will come with time and creators. I just have the feeling that many are trapped in a format "one way street" doing videos they actually not enjoy on their own. I personally experienced that some time ago. I searched for topics with a narrow perspective and just did what I always did. Everyone is different of course and hopefully a few will think more out of the box if they experience the same as I did :)

Well I took your advice and did a tutorial of sorts today on day trading. Trust me I am all for variety. I guess I wonder will scammers be stopped from stealing content from YouTube. it will be cool to see how things change and grow.

Great suggestions! I’d love to be a part of collaborative challenges & games!! Maybe we could all enjoy a meal together. I’d bring the salad🥬
In addition to my art time lapses, I’d like to do more instructional videos. I have a lot of topics I could cover. I get intimidated by making that type of content but am up for the challenge.

Greeeeat! Thanks for watching and your time to comment :) I write you on my list of people I will contact for any upcoming game/challenge/hangout :) Do you have discord so I can contact you directly when I have a plan?

give me pizza at any time eheh :D

sorry but that's not counting ^^

still my favourite food eheh

What are your favourite video formats / video ideas you would like to share?

Thank you for creating excellent original content 💖 Your post was supported during the @Ionomy Curation Bonanza

Have a wonderful weekend 😍

We Will Get There Together

Thank you so much in making what dtube is. My video are generally not much value other than the game itself. I think dtube took my steem/hive profit more than the reward I'm getting back from dtube. LOL. And you got a point, when I watch other people making a video of "this is how I unspeak Engrish" and gotton a 50DTC vote, sometimes I become very mindfcuk, but I doubt is there anyway to change that.

Good video. Thanks for the upvote. You are one ham sandwich of a gentleman.