How To Play The G Major Chord. This is another common chord on the guitar. Follow my lessons to learn a new chord every day for a week. Next I will show you how to play several popular songs using these chords.
Any questions? Requests? Leave them in the comments below, thanks.
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Very instructive and useful @topfox! Thank you for sharing these lessons with all those who wish to learn how to play the guitar, which is such a beautiful instrument.
Thanks for the comment, happy I can help!
Another great video! G sounds so nice, probably my favorite chord.
Again, can´t wait to see what you are going to teach us after we go through all the chords.
Keep up the good work mate!
Thanks for the comment! Check out my profile for song lessons, or my youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn4tMaI23o5vzQmN8Ykj5jQ