Earn More On Eth Validator With Ethereum MEV Boost On DAppNode

in DTube2 years ago

This is a full guide of MEV boost and what is this MEV about, on top of knowing this you can use it on your validator to increase it's income!

NOTE Ps, forgot to mention on your Execution Layer's setting you will be required to set the fee reception address as your own ETH Address to receive from relay!

Thanks to
Nabsku#1567 For explaining to my questions about MEV Boost.
unRealGamer28#1337 For the Text Guide of MEV Boost
Oooly#6629 For a video guide explaining [

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-Text Guide Join DAppNode's Discord

-What Is MEV?

-My Personal Block with MEV Boost

-MEV Relayer stuff

https://discord.com/channels/747647430450741309/748068510122508338/1021332155575570522 https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/mev/ https://beaconcha.in/slot/4708662 [Block Proposal On Beacon] https://etherscan.io/block/15545902 [Block Fee To Relayer] https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3fd589e2eb17ca3b414ffaf34d889c733610ae15f0eba87d0cc83c834a590517 [Transfer From Relayer To Me] https://www.mevboost.org/ https://github.com/Nabsku/DAppNodePackage-mev-boost/tree/main/build/mainnet

00:00 Intro & Disclaimer
01:36 What Is MEV?
04:51 Block Proposal 10x Reward?
06:13 My MEV Block Proposal Result
11:42 How To Set Up MEV Boost On DAppNode?
14:50 Compliant, Ethical or Non-Compliant?
20:12 Will MEV Always Happen?
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